Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Walk the Line

Watched walk the line last again last night but for the first time on DVD. Johnny Cash, an amazing man who was truly aware of God's call on his life. Kinda links in with the whole History Maker thing, he found that God could use his gift of music to benefit everyone and he stood for what he believed in. There is a scene after his rehabilitation from his drug habit where he's introduced the idea of recording a live album in a Folsom Prison, the proeducer tells him that as most of his fans are Christians they wouldn't like him even going to a prison. Cash simply replies "Well they can't be very Christian can they!" How often do we as the church turn our noses up at the lowest in society? How often do we help those "higher profile" cases.

Justin, hope all is well in sunny Newport!! Love and blessings to Lucy and the kids, we must get together for a world cup game!!

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