Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Found a free website full of really cool pics especially good for use in worship.


This will probably be my last post for a week or two. Please pray as I complete my first year.


Light at the end of the tunnel

I think I feel that right now there is a little too much light in this picture but you catch my meaning. Uni work is slowly getting done and having written a to do list for the first time in my life I can actually begin to see how much I've achieved.

There is still plenty to do however and some prayer for my sanity (or whats left of it) would be very welcome.

On another note, we finally get some good convertible weather and both Kate and I are currently sunburnt so we are slightly unwilling to put the roof down at the mo!! God's sense of humour again???

Coming to the end of my first year with CYM, I have come to some weird realisations. Not least that having had around ten years youth work experience (yes Just it really is that long!) if I had done this course any sooner, I don't think I would have learnt so much. Need to go now and complete one piece of coursework to be handed in tomorrow.

God's blessings to all.